Monday, September 14, 2009

So... Let's go over what happened at last night's award show. First on my agenda, I thought the dance tribute to late Michael Jackson was good and bittersweet with his sister, Janet dancing to the song, " Scream" that they did there only duo in 1995. Second on the agenda is what everyone is talking about is Kanye West's tirade against Taylor Swift. Swift won her first coveted Moon Man award for Best Female video for her song " You Belong to Me" beating out Beyonce's " Single Ladies" and Lady Gaga, Pink and Britney.

I was very shocked and hurt that Kanye West who literally interrupted Taylor's acceptance speech and said that he was happy for her, but Beyonce had one of the best video of all time. Taylor looked humiliated and I felt so bad. Kanye West, who I lost respect for, seems to lost respect from others after being booed at the mention of his name and gave Taylor a standing ovation. Beyonce did a sweet thing when she won the award for Video of Year, she called Taylor to the stage to give her acceptance speech properly.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but his approach was disrespectful, especially to a woman, but a young girl who is still 19 years old.

It upset me knowing a tribute was made to Michael minutes before that would not approve of that if he was still here with us. There is a reason why God created different people and different things. There is a reason why there is pop music, rap, rock and so on. Taylor Swift is one of my favorites and she is huge not just in the country world, but in the pop world as well. She has sold large amounts of her album, Fearless and I heard it's being re-released with six new songs.

We need to look at this as an example, where respect is needed in a time where we are living history of events that took place not too long ago.


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