Friday, September 18, 2009

Today was a historic and bittersweet moment in the soap opera world. "Guiding Light" ended its 72 years of being on television this morning, dependingthe time zone you live on. Due to poor ratings and I believe production costs, the producers announced early this year that the show was ending. I personally was shocked, upset and sad because "Guiding Light" is one of my favorite soaps. The last episode was a cute and sweet overview of the people of Springfield. Most of the characters found new loves, old loves and had babies along the way. You can see the faces of the actors were filled with joy, but you can sense the sadness as this was final episode. Probably around 40 minutes of the show was a flash forward to a year later, where you see the after affects of their new lives. Some of the showa veteran actors of the show returned to reside back in the cozy town. I have to admit I was in tears when Reva and Josh, my favorite couple of all time got back together. It ended with them driving off after being apart to see if a year would change their feelings for on another. It was good ending to a good soap opera that entertained many for 72 years.


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