Sunday, January 10, 2010

"Big Love", which is one of my favorite shows of all time returns for its fourth season on HBO. I thought season three was crazy, but I think season four is definitely going to be the biggest one yet. SPOILER ALERT: Bill divorces his fourth wife, Sarah is pregnant with her boyfriend, Scott's baby, Roman is free. from prison. So much is already happened in the first episode and it's going to get more steamier as it progress. Bill (Bill Paxton) is dead set on opening a casino with Jerry Flute. With that comes the complications of the trial with polygamy charges agains Nicki's father, Roman Grant. This can seriously destroy Bill and his family and his business with Flute. Alby, Nicki's brother is a snake as always. I really do hate this character and I seriously hope that Bill will find a way to bring him down.

I really don't want to give away an important factor that happened in tonight's episode, so I advise you guys to watch this show. Before this show, I have never really understood polygamy until this show in 2006. It may be a fictional show, but it gives you can insight on a world that some of us are not use to or expose to.


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