Tuesday, August 04, 2009

My First Blog

Hey Bloggers,

This is my very first entertainment blog and I'm proud and excited to kick off my first creation ever. I'm currently a junior at Baruch College in New York City, majoring in journalism and minoring in film studies. This blog was created solely for people, like myself who enjoy entertainment. I will be focusing on the films, television, music, etc and really giving a deep analysis about it. I'm not into which celebrity is going to rehab or shacking up with. If you want that go to TMZ or something.

So, I'm currently for the summer interning at WABC-TV with Sandy Kenyon, their entertainment reporter here in Manhattan. I have have been to two press junkets for major blockbuster movies that I out this summer. I witnessed what a press junket was and what occurs at one, which is good to know on my end.

I have pre-screened " Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince", a week before it came out and met the three main stars of the movie. I, of course was ecstatic because I'm a huge Harry Potter fan. LOL. The other press junket I went to was for " Julie and Julia", which is coming out on August 7th. I had the honor to meet the cast of that movie.... I met Meryl Streep and I could not have been so excited about anything like that ever.

With that said, I'm experiencing the career that I'm working towards right now. I want to be a entertainment journalist and hopefully get into screenplay writing. I enjoy movies and I passionately love the feeling when I talk about movies. I could not have asked for a better internship and summer. This internship has opened up eyes of what I should expect and made me realize how strongly I want to continue to pursue this as my career.

For this blog, like I said I will be analyzing new films, classic films, music.... you name it. I will be giving my honest opinions on movies and suggesting things that I like that hopefully you can check out if you have not done so. I am open for suggestions and comments on anything that you feel is left out on my blog and the movie world. So feel free to do so....



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