Wednesday, October 28, 2009

2009 Scream Awards

I just finished watching Spike TV's fourth annual Scream Awards. I have to be honest, I have never watched this award show until now. I found it to be interesting since it was dedicated to fantasy and horror related entertainment. Some of the winners were Megan Fox, Taylor Lautner, Anna Paquin and of course Twilight which took the award for best fantasy movie. I'm going to be utterly honest even though I'm a Twi-fan and say that Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince or Watchmen should have won that award.

That was a complete shock to me on all levels. I enjoyed Twilight, but it was not done to the standards of what it should have been. Watchmen and Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince were two extremely good movies. This is where I feel that movie ethics have gone so wrong on my views. I know for a fact that most of those voters were between either the age of 15 to 24 or 18-35. They voted purely because of the actors in the movie and not of the production of the film. I feel that title of " Best Film" or whatever it may be is misconceived. I wish people can vote the correct way when it comes to things like that.

I know as Americans that we have the right to our opinions and so on, but come on... Be civil and realistic about things like that. Overall, it was an okay show with George A. Romero was introduced a lifetime achievement award which was presented by Quentin Tarrantino. Battlestar Gallactica got some love as well.  That's pretty much my thoughts on the award show.


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