Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Vampires seems to be  a very appropriate discussion since Halloween is almost among us. Recently I just finished my an review article on the soundtrack for New Moon. It was actually rush released on October 16th, but it's official release was on the 20th. I have to admit that this soundtrack is the indie-music lover's dreams come true. This soundtrack features one of the top acts in indie-music at the moment. I was very impressed by the choices of who was picked to be on the album.

Some of the artists include Death Cab For Cutie, Grizzly Bear, Ok Go, Lykke Li and Thom Yorke. I was quite taken aback in a good way, when I saw that Thom Yorke was on the album. As most of you know, Thom Yorke is the lead singer of Radiohead, one of the greatest bands of all time. His song, "Hearing Damage" is on heavy rotation on my Ipod. I just love this song so much. I also love the lead single, " Meet Me on the Equinox" by Death Cab For Cutie. Muse's remixed version of their song " I Belong to You" is also another one that's on heavily on repeat on my playlist.

I don't want to go into too much detail of the soundtrack because I will have a link posted to my articles on The Ticker's website. I will promise to get a separate post referring to that link. To wrap up my brief post on the soundtrack, I definitely feel that it's worth listening to even if you're not into the whole "Twilight" phenomena. The music should not be over sited due that so in retrospect please get a chance to listen to the soundtrack.


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