Saturday, October 17, 2009

Michael Jackson's This Is It

I would say this would be by far the most difficult topic that I would share to all of you who are reading my blog. I started this in August, so I didn't get the chance to express my thoughts on the loss of Michael Jackson. This weekend coming up the documentary of Jackson's last rehearsal for his comeback tour will be released for the world to see. This film will definitely show Jackson working to his best efforts to reunite his music with his fans. Unfortunately the whole world will never get that chance to see him perform because of his tragic death.

At the MTV Music Video Awards in September showed a trailer for the film and I have to say JEEZ! that would have been the hot ticket show that you could not afford to miss. There was so much awesome concepts that Jackson wanted to share to his fans. I'm still baffled that he looked in good condition while rehearsing his legendary songs. I'm just not understanding what went wrong.

I will try and get the chance to see this movie to support the memory of Michael Jackson because like many of millions of people grew up knowing his music and his love for saving the world. I, sometimes to this day, can not believe that Michael Jackson is gone. My support and prayers goes to the family and the legacy he left behind in his children.


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