Tuesday, October 27, 2009


I would like to first off apologize for my lack of posts this week. I have been swamped in mid-term exams, work and writing articles for my school newspaper. A lot of positive things have been happening and it was difficult for me to keep everything in order. I will definitely try and make it up next month since October is over this Saturday. On top of my very busy schedule, I'm moving to a new apartment so that complicates things even further.

On a lighter note, last Tuesday was my first show with Reel Talks, a pod cast show that I host with friends of mine. I did mention this in a previous post about this project. Things are going smoothly, but surely with our show. The show is recorded on Tuesday nights at 8 p.m. and last about two hours. I'm also in the process of finishing my article on the New Moon soundtrack review for my school's paper. I will supply a link to The Ticker, so you can check out my articles as well.

It has been difficult for me right now to process all the new changes that are happening in my life right now. I'm still in college, which adds more stress, but gives me an opportunity to publish articles and make strong connections with people.  Once again, I'm sorry for the horrible delay in my posts and will promise you the future of my blog will look brighter.



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