Tuesday, November 03, 2009

I'm super excited to know that it a couple of weeks New Moon is finally. I have prepared myself mentally and physically for all things New Moon. My friend, Miriam just texted me that Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner will be on The Today Show separately for three days. So that will be November 18-20. I will exclusively have pictures and any discussions that happen on those days on the blog that weekend.

Another thing for any Twilight fans out there in the Manhattan or tri-state area is to check out the Toys  R' Us in Times Square. Toys R' Us exclusively until December has a Hot Topic section featuring New Moon merchandise. Miriam sent me pictures of what they have and all I can say it's a definite treat for fans. I will be visiting Times Square this Saturday and I will post all pictures of the New Moon section.

There is also a charity event that is happening on November 19, where a special early screening of New Moon is going to be held. Tickets are $26 so get them while their hot. Miriam and I already purchased tickets for the event. I will also have pictures for that event as well. Plus we have tickets to the midnight showing so it's going to be a very long three days for us.  So embrace yourself because Twi-fans are taking over Manhattan!


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