Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Even though I was born in 1986, I still wished that the events on December 8th, 1980 never happened to the you the truth. Today marks the 29th death anniversary of musician and peace activist, John Lennon. I am big Beatles fan and I just wish had the chance to exprience not only what the group did for music, but the impact that they had on people. Mark David Chapman shot Lennon in the back four times in the entrance of the Dakota apartment building. Earlier that evening, Lennon had autographed a copy of Double Fantasy for Chapman who had been stalking Lennon since October.

Every year a memorial services are continuous in all over the world to celebrate what John Lennon's life and what he brought to the world. I, sometimes imagine what if things were different that night. What if he left an earlier time or that he bodyguards. How would music and the world be like with John Lennon still among us? I know for sure that Lennon would do everything is his power to help third world countries and continue to prevent hunger and poverty. I can see him along with Bono and other celebrities just pushing that message on.  That is something I prayed was happening now. We may never know what it would have been like to still have John Lennon around.

All I know that he left a great legacy with Sean and Yoko continues to push John's love to the world through everything he has done. So today, just "imagine" what could have been instead of mourning the lost of John Lennon.


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