Thursday, December 10, 2009

So far the plans for "Breaking Dawn", the final installment to the "Twilight" saga are pretty much hush hush right now. There is nothing!!! No director!!! Nothing!!! Just like the millions of "Twi-hards" are scared out of our minds because "Breaking Dawn" is a very crucial book to the series and it can not be destroyed at any costs what so ever. I don't want to give any information about the story, but I will say that it has a lot to do with physical contact and a lot of CGI for this film. Due to the sexual contact parts and other graphic elements the Rated R rating is very much needed. A lot of "Twi-hards" are hoping for that rating because most of the crucial elements of the novel will not be changed for a PG-13 movie. Also " Breaking Dawn" may be filmed in two parts because the novel is told not only in Bella's point of view, but the other half is also in Jacob's point of view. So that's going to be a little bit tricky to do as well.

That would really kill the vibe and essence of "Breaking Dawn" to tell you the truth. I am hoping that it will be Rated R because I want to see everything in the film. When comes down to the director, that is pretty difficult because "BD" needs someone that is familiar with CGI. Would that mean that Chris Weitz will be back to direct both parts if that is going to be the case? I heard that Gus Van Zant was in talks to direct "Breaking Dawn", so I'm not sure what's going on with that scenario. All I know is that "Eclipse" as we speak are in the editing process and is ready to be released on June 30, 2010. So solution to "Breaking Dawn" will have to be settled soon.  Author Stephenie Meyer also stated her concerns as well for the book.I just hope Summit Entertainment make wise and careful choices when it comes to the final film.


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