Saturday, August 08, 2009

No more original ideas?

This post is sort of following up to my previous post about the whole new action figure movies that are slowly coming on scene in Hollywood. So, Thursday night I was hanging out with my friend, Amanda and we was briefly talking about the new G.I. Joe movie. We both agreed on how no one in Hollywood has original ideas anymore.

Nowadays, a movie is either based on a book, comic, or a remake of another previous movie of another decade. Don't get me wrong. It's cool that some of my favorite books were made into movies, but I would like to at least see a movie that someone wrote themselves.

To me, it's the easy way out formula that is occurring more and more each year. I can't even tell you the last time I saw a movie that was an original idea that was not based on a best selling book or whatever latest thing that is out there. Wait... I take that back! I saw The Hangover. That I hope was original. LOL. It's a really quick fix formula that will probably continue for a really long time. I'm not bashing the film companies for that, but I know for myself and probably other people would like to see at least some change in the film industry.


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