Thursday, August 20, 2009


As of September 1st, it's pretty much the officially countdown for New Moon being released on November 20th. So, it's going to be a lot of vampire coverage and posts about that until then. There has been a lot of controversy about certain things that revolved around this movie and the future productions for the next two books. Changing of actors, scheduling, etc. you know the deal. On entertainment shows are showing more and more exclusive trailers for the movie. My sister doesn't really want to hype for herself in that due to her anticipation of all behind the scenes exclusive of Twilight.
We was talking about how the second book is portraying Bella and Jacob's friendship as more of an intimate type of thing, which is not really true. There is some type of feelings, but Bella is strongly in love with Edward. The book really focuses on Bella and Jacob's friendship as it begins to be stronger and Bella is sort of "getting over" Edward. Overall, I think it's going to be a decent movie that the fans will enjoy. I can't wait to see it. I might get to pre screen the movie before it comes out.


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