Friday, August 14, 2009

So, I'm actually in the Apple Store on 9th Avenue in the city checking out laptops. LOL.... But the point is that I just came from seeing (500) Days of Summer with my friend and co worker, Lester. I have been dying to see this movie for weeks now. My friend, Amanda told me it was really good. And she was right in need.

The movie was something that you don't really see in Hollywood these days. This kind of falls true to my previous post of not having original ideas for story lines. (500) Days of Summer portrays an true actual fact about love and relationships. Not all relationships end up as this fairy tale ending that is an constant ending in pretty much all romance movies. I was happy to enjoy a movie that did not follow that formula, even though I felt sad for Tom ( Joseph Gordon-Levitt).

There was a point that was truly made in this movie.. Tom mentioned that movies, pop songs, etc. sends a message that love is suppose to have this awesome ending, when in reality it doesn' t happen that way.

I'm not saying that all relationships don't have a happy ending, but the majority out there, it's tough and people get their hearts broken. I strongly recommend anyone to see this movie. I definitely related to everything that was going on in this movie. Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Zooey Deschanel was awesome in this movie. This is a movie that touched me very deeply.


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