Sunday, September 06, 2009

I have been trying my best to stay away from talking about this, but as you may know or heard that Disney brought the Marvel characters. I was pretty shocked about this because it came out of nowhere for me. I do not have anything against Disney because they produced many of my favorite movies and television shows. I skimmed through an article that Disney plans to create some rides based on some of the Marvel characters. I believe Spiderman may be one in particular and also to start selling merchandise at Disney Land and Disney World.
I kind of think it would be cool to see Mickey and Spiderman team up in a cartoon short on the Disney Channel. LOL. That would definitely be priceless in my book, but the point is that Disney is a powerful company that continues to grow immensely and shows no signs of any setbacks. We will just have to wait and see on what happens with this new business venture for Disney.


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