Sunday, September 06, 2009

Two weeks in a row and The Final Destination, the latest in the bizarre death series tops the box office again. I still can't figure it out in a way that these movies are still appealing to people. I mean I enjoyed the first movie and the second one was a little bit corny in my opinion. The third one, I actually really enjoyed a lot. Now The Final Destination, which may be indeed the last in the saga. I have not seen it yet, so the title may be just pulling your leg on that one.
I guess the 3D effect seems like an interesting and fun twist to the movie. I mean so far this summer, some movies had the 3D effect to reel in more people to go to the movies. I don't know. I'm planning to see this movie eventually to see what's the buzz. The buzz is probably the horrific and bizarre death scenes that make this movie and the others quite entertaining.


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