Tuesday, September 08, 2009

So this Saturday night, my sister, Brittany and I was watching movie trailers on Comcast on Demand because she wanted me to see the trailer for this movie called Cirque de Freak: The Vampire's Assistant, which is another book adaptation. I have to say it, the trailer was really and I definitely want to go see it. It's a book series so I hope I get around to reading it before the movie comes out. We was also looking at our trailers for other movies that I wanted to see and we came across The Fantastic Mr. Fox. She was looking at the Entertainment Weekly movie preview issue, so she wanted to see the trailer.

I have to say this movie is going to be funny. I believe that the movie was filmed in stop motion style because it had that feel to it. It is a cartoon like movie that feature voices of George Clooney, Bill Murray and Meryl Streep just to name a few. We could not stop laughing at the things they were saying. I was literally in tears from laughing. I'm definitely going to go see this movie when it comes out. We also watched the trailer for The Informant, which Brittany did not recognize Matt Damon at all. LOL. It was funny night of just watching trailers.


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