Wednesday, September 30, 2009

So as of tomorrow, there is one month away from for New Moon release in theatres. I have not brought my midnight showing tickets yet. 42nd Street in the city is sold out, but I'm planning to go midtown anyway. Back on subject... movie theatres are now putting up official posters for the movie, A friend of mine had seen posters of Jane (Dakota Fanning) of the Volturi. So with them doing that it makes it more exciting and real that this movie is almost coming out soon.

Also good news for all Twilight fans, Nordstrom has a limited edition clothing line for New Moon. It has tees and a cosmetics line as well. I signed up for newsletters because in all stores on October 15, you can buy the clothing instead of online. Also to add coolness to it guest appearances from the cast will be announced. I added the link for Nordstrom so you can sign up and get additional information.


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