Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Last week, Michael Bay posted on his blog that official release date for the third Transformers movie is July 1, 2011. For some reason it took me quite sometime to post on this because I wanted to gather my thoughts properly on it. I enjoyed the first movie, but I thought the second was okay. My anticipation for the second movie concluded on my disappointment on the whole thing. From the ending of the movie, a third was a definite obvious thing. I'm just curious what the screenplay for the movie is going to consist of.

I found myself confused with The Rise of the Fallen. A lot of people I knew was also confused and annoyed by every over the top action scenes. I do have to admit that Megan Fox was right about Michael Bay focusing more on the action and not the acting. I came to that conculsion before that statement Fox made, so I'm not the only one that feels that way. I am excited though about the movie and I get to see Optimus Prime. I do enjoy Michael Bay's films and I'm praying that this one works out quite well.


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