Friday, October 02, 2009

Forgive me for being so late on reporting on Paramore's brand new album which was released on September 29. I also have written an review for Brand New Eyes for The Ticker, my college's newspaper. Paramore did a 360 turn from their Riot! album. It started out with their familiar punk rock edge, but in the middle the sound was mellow. Since the album was recorded in Nashville that could be a possible factor in the their new songs. I honestly love this album. My favorites songs, besides their first single, " Ignorance", I like " Misguided Ghosts'" and " The Only Exception." Those are the ones that I play over constantly. LOL. I feel that the album is going to be in a high position in the Billboard 200. I mean come on! They have some many Twilight fans who loved " Decode."
In general this album was good. Haley's vocals are still killer as ever especially in " All I Wanted."They kept it real, but added some cool things like acoustics in some songs. This totally just hit me as I'm writing this, but they remind me of No Doubt. They actually toured with No Doubt earlier this year so that is pretty ironic.  This is a sign that Paramore is going to be around for a very long time.


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