Sunday, October 04, 2009

As I mentioned last month that major changes will be in perspective of plans to build my blog and my career. As of tonight, I gladly accepted a business proposal from my friend Gus Garcia, who is building not only a website, but a podcast as well to all things entertainment and much more. I am excited and also lost for words because of the plans that will be put into motion quite soon. I am happy to be working with people that share the same desire and hunger of being an self made bosses. This is a committment that I am fully ready for and accept because this is what I want to do as a career. A lot of creative people are involved in this so there are no slackers part of the team. Gus told me that we already have a street team not only in New York, but in Florida as well. This is great news because the exposure is going to massive. I can feel it already!

Since I'm in a film writing class at Baruch College, my screenplays will be developed into real films, probably next year. We have a goal to be up and running by this month and have something real solid by the end of this year. Like I mentioned, there are no words to describe the feeling that I'm feeling now. My advice to people is that you can not wait for something that you want come to you, you need to get up and make it happen. That is something that all of us is doing now. This is not a game. This is our talent and lives involved in this. I will keep you posted on this developing business venture.



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