Tuesday, February 02, 2010

So we all know that actor Rip Torn was released on bail yesterday due to charges of burglary, criminal trespassing and some weapon offenses. This was one of those"WTH" moments to be honest with you. I am not familiar with his movies, but I know he is a well known. I just ponder this  question : why do actors do these things to themselves? I know their is a lot factors that the average American does not about their personal lives, but this is crazy. This kind of forwards my thoughts on the art of acting itself. I had a conversation last night with a visiting manager, Garrett from another American Eagle location on this same topic. 
Today's generation there are two categories. There are the movie stars and the actors. You might say that's the same thing, but in reality there are completely different. Some actors pick the most low budget movie because they like the work, the message it brings to them. Some just do it for the money. There are plenty of those of out there, but I'm not going into that. The thing is that anyone can be an "actor" and this generation is producing more of that with reality shows and so on. I don't know what Rip Torn's reasons and I'm not getting on him because all do feel like that some times. Rip Torn is not the only actor to act in this type of behavior and he probably won't be the last. That's the sad part when a beautiful craft turns into something different.


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