Wednesday, September 30, 2009

So as of tomorrow, there is one month away from for New Moon release in theatres. I have not brought my midnight showing tickets yet. 42nd Street in the city is sold out, but I'm planning to go midtown anyway. Back on subject... movie theatres are now putting up official posters for the movie, A friend of mine had seen posters of Jane (Dakota Fanning) of the Volturi. So with them doing that it makes it more exciting and real that this movie is almost coming out soon.

Also good news for all Twilight fans, Nordstrom has a limited edition clothing line for New Moon. It has tees and a cosmetics line as well. I signed up for newsletters because in all stores on October 15, you can buy the clothing instead of online. Also to add coolness to it guest appearances from the cast will be announced. I added the link for Nordstrom so you can sign up and get additional information.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I'm just on the roll with Twilight news feeds right now. I forgot to mention this if you have not stumbled upon it. I was channel surfing two weeks ago and I so happen to come across the Reelz Channel and this show was called "Twilight Weekly: Spotlight". It's a weekly show that comes on every Monday night at 10pm, check your local listings. So far from the episodes I seen, the host Naibe Reynoso went on location to the places in Portland, Oregon where they shot some of the scenes for Twilight. She also went to good ol' Forks, where Bella and Edward live. Last night's episode was profiling the Quilete nation.

I enjoy this show and I figure it will be around since there are two more movies to go with the exception of New Moon coming out soon. I have never heard of the Reelz Channel until now. I have so many channels, so I don't know how long this channel's been on. Overall, the channel is perfect for the movie buff, so check the channel out in general. I also put a link for the channel so check it out at

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


So after "NCIS: Los Angeles", it was the series beginner for "The Good Wife." I wasn't going to watch this show because I wasn't really interested to be honest. Well, boy was I wrong! I actually stayed up to watch the show and I was completely dragged into it. It's about a falling politician (Chris Noth)who resigned after a sex tape was blasted to the public. ( Rings a bell?) His wife ( Juilanna Margulies) stands by his side, but takes a different approach to the situation. Since her husband is need prison on some charges that I didn't hear, she goes back to work as a defense attorney. Her mother-in-law (Mary Beth Peil) helps her with her two children. It was funny her daughter programmed the mother-in-law to "The Twilight Zone" theme music when she calls. I thought that was brilliant.

Florrick's first case was a murder case that she was doing. She found new evidence that proved her client was not guilty. This show reminds me of another CBS show called " Close to Home" with the whole lawyer thing going, but that show was canceled. I like this show and I will continue to watch it.

So last night as I was trying to do homework for my class, I was watching "NCIS "season premiere like I mention in yesterday's post. I have to confess that I was really paying attention to it since I was trying to read an article for my Media Ethics class. I caught bits and pieces that Tony( Michael Weatherly) was held captive in a Middle Eastern country. His captor was just asking him questions about his team and Tony was just being Tony when answering them. Further into the episode, I found out that McGee ( Sean Murray) was also captured by the same guy. Then to solve our questions from the last season, the same captor had Zeva ( Cote de Pablo) as well and Tony didn't really look happy to see her. He did tell the captor that Zeva was a traitor and a slut for what she did to her team.

Any who, but I did watch the whole pilot episode of "NCIS: Los Angeles". G. Callen ( Chris O' Donnell) was saved from the gun shot from last episode of "NCIS." Characters that we were in the two part season 6 finale was revived, but there was new characters as well. I honestly enjoyed the episode. Callen came back to the team a month early after is accident and the team was concerned about that. Linda Hunt was awesome as Hetty, who is the Support Manager of the special projects of "NCIS". Leon Vance had a brief spot since he is the head director of "NCIS". So I will be tuning in next week because I'm not really feeling "Melrose Place" right now.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

 We are no where done with season premieres of returning and new shows. Tonight is the new season premiere of NCIS and series premiere of their LA spin-off. The ending of NCIS had me flipping out because of Zeva's betrayal (Cote de Pablo). Since that happen the relationship between her and Tony (Michael Weatherly) is pretty much damaged. There is so much lose ends that needs to be tied up. The two part season finale of their last season introduced agents G. Callen (Chris O' Donnell) and Sam Hanna (LL Cool J). Callen was shot in the last episode so I don't know how he survived to be on the spin-off. We will just have to wait and see how this is going to go. NCIS is a really good so that I watched for a while now and I hope that spin-off is just as good as its original.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Last night's Emmy's was really good. Neil Patrick Harris was funny throughout the show. I'm a little sad that he didn't win for his role as Barney Stinson on " How I Met Your Mother." He is an absolutely hilarious. A lot of actors that I'm familiar with deserved their awards, which is crazy because in all the categories, all the nominees are phenomenal actors. So for the most part, " 30 Rock" won a pretty fair amount of awards in all categories. " Mad Men" won again for outstanding drama series. I have to be honest, I have not watched this show and it's only season 2. I will definitely see what's the commotion. " 30 Rock" was outstanding comedy series. That show is really funny so it deserved the award.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Today was a historic and bittersweet moment in the soap opera world. "Guiding Light" ended its 72 years of being on television this morning, dependingthe time zone you live on. Due to poor ratings and I believe production costs, the producers announced early this year that the show was ending. I personally was shocked, upset and sad because "Guiding Light" is one of my favorite soaps. The last episode was a cute and sweet overview of the people of Springfield. Most of the characters found new loves, old loves and had babies along the way. You can see the faces of the actors were filled with joy, but you can sense the sadness as this was final episode. Probably around 40 minutes of the show was a flash forward to a year later, where you see the after affects of their new lives. Some of the showa veteran actors of the show returned to reside back in the cozy town. I have to admit I was in tears when Reva and Josh, my favorite couple of all time got back together. It ended with them driving off after being apart to see if a year would change their feelings for on another. It was good ending to a good soap opera that entertained many for 72 years.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

As you can see, I decided to change the name of my blog from the L List to Entertainment Central. I'm working to keep the blog running smoothly and building credit to it. I may not have any comments or followers because it's a new blog and it takes time for these things to be noticed. It took a while for Perez Hilton to be noticed, so I'm being patient and focusing soley on the blog and other things in my life as well.

Thank You

Monday, September 14, 2009

In the mist of writing my thoughts of the Kanye West/ Taylor Swift debacle, I wanted to just mention last night preview of an extended trailer, which myself, Brittany and Miriam, have been craving for. I could not believe how long the trailer was and just breathless on how true to the book this one is. I am even more anxious than before to see this movie in November. I will be pre-ordering my tickets soon for the midnight showing. You can check the trailer out at to see this specific one they showed last night.

So... Let's go over what happened at last night's award show. First on my agenda, I thought the dance tribute to late Michael Jackson was good and bittersweet with his sister, Janet dancing to the song, " Scream" that they did there only duo in 1995. Second on the agenda is what everyone is talking about is Kanye West's tirade against Taylor Swift. Swift won her first coveted Moon Man award for Best Female video for her song " You Belong to Me" beating out Beyonce's " Single Ladies" and Lady Gaga, Pink and Britney.

I was very shocked and hurt that Kanye West who literally interrupted Taylor's acceptance speech and said that he was happy for her, but Beyonce had one of the best video of all time. Taylor looked humiliated and I felt so bad. Kanye West, who I lost respect for, seems to lost respect from others after being booed at the mention of his name and gave Taylor a standing ovation. Beyonce did a sweet thing when she won the award for Video of Year, she called Taylor to the stage to give her acceptance speech properly.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but his approach was disrespectful, especially to a woman, but a young girl who is still 19 years old.

It upset me knowing a tribute was made to Michael minutes before that would not approve of that if he was still here with us. There is a reason why God created different people and different things. There is a reason why there is pop music, rap, rock and so on. Taylor Swift is one of my favorites and she is huge not just in the country world, but in the pop world as well. She has sold large amounts of her album, Fearless and I heard it's being re-released with six new songs.

We need to look at this as an example, where respect is needed in a time where we are living history of events that took place not too long ago.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

So it is official that they found a replacement for Paula Abdul on "American Idol" We come to find out it is Emmy- winning talk show host, Ellen DeGeneres. I was a little bit shocked because I thought Paula would be replaced with someone in the music industry, which I feel everyone assumed that, but in this case it's not. I love Ellen, so this is going to really fun to ' American Idol' from now on. Ellen announced on her show , which was taped and I believe it's airing today confirming her new venture. I can't wait to see her reactions when it comes to the audition process. I have to admit that is my favorite part of watching "American Idol'" I'm excited so congratulations to Ellen.

This a brief follow-up to my earlier post this morning about the details of the "Sex and the City "sequel. I just read in AM New York, that "Life and Style Weekly" found out some secrets from the movie. Charlotte (Kristin Davis) is possibly having another baby. One scene is featuring a baby nurse. Miranda (Cynthia Nixon) is considering changing her profession. She is currently a lawyer.

Stanford(Willie Garson) and Anthony(Mario Cantone) are supposedly getting married and that Liza Minnelli is going to performs at their wedding. This seems like a rumor, but Miley Cyrus was asked to be in the film. I got this all from the AM New York, just let you all know. There is no word on what happens for Carrie ( Sarah Jessica Parker) and Mr. Big (Chris Noth) or Samantha (Kim Cattrall). I will keep you posted on any further details.

I'm so excited for the Sex and the City sequel!!! Most of you know that I'm a huge fan of the show and I watch re-runs on the CW and TBS. LOL. I'm also a Sarah Jessica Parker fan so that is a plus. I'm just so curious what happens to my favorite girls after where it left off in the first one. I actually, auditioned to be an extra in the first movie with a friend, but who cares. LOL.

From what I'm reading on the internet sites, they have spotted Kim Cattrall (Samantha Jones) walking around with what may be the script for the sequel. The rest of the cast have been spotted around New York City filming scenes for the movie. I don't many details of the movie because I guess all of this is starting to surface now. I'm going to be watching my favorite celeb shows to see if I find anything worthy of talking about.

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

So this Saturday night, my sister, Brittany and I was watching movie trailers on Comcast on Demand because she wanted me to see the trailer for this movie called Cirque de Freak: The Vampire's Assistant, which is another book adaptation. I have to say it, the trailer was really and I definitely want to go see it. It's a book series so I hope I get around to reading it before the movie comes out. We was also looking at our trailers for other movies that I wanted to see and we came across The Fantastic Mr. Fox. She was looking at the Entertainment Weekly movie preview issue, so she wanted to see the trailer.

I have to say this movie is going to be funny. I believe that the movie was filmed in stop motion style because it had that feel to it. It is a cartoon like movie that feature voices of George Clooney, Bill Murray and Meryl Streep just to name a few. We could not stop laughing at the things they were saying. I was literally in tears from laughing. I'm definitely going to go see this movie when it comes out. We also watched the trailer for The Informant, which Brittany did not recognize Matt Damon at all. LOL. It was funny night of just watching trailers.

Sunday, September 06, 2009

My favorite magazine that I absolutely adore, "Entertainment Weekly" arrived in my mailbox this Saturday and I was so excited to see that Paul McCartney and John Lennon circa the early days on the cover. To most of you gamers out there, the biggest game to hit systems is "Rock Band: The Beatles". I have been hearing some awesome news about this version and I'm kind of upset because I don't have any of the newer systems so it's not available for PlayStation 2. *sniffles*. I know.

In EW, there are some rare photos of the fab four and a list of the 5o greatest Beatles' songs. There is also a little list of the worst songs as well. I'm trying my best to get a new system so I can get this game. I'm a big Beatles fan so this is a must- have for me for sure. It's a interesting issue so if you get the chance go to or skim through a copy at the bookstore. I actually dedicated the movie pick of week to them. :)

Two weeks in a row and The Final Destination, the latest in the bizarre death series tops the box office again. I still can't figure it out in a way that these movies are still appealing to people. I mean I enjoyed the first movie and the second one was a little bit corny in my opinion. The third one, I actually really enjoyed a lot. Now The Final Destination, which may be indeed the last in the saga. I have not seen it yet, so the title may be just pulling your leg on that one.
I guess the 3D effect seems like an interesting and fun twist to the movie. I mean so far this summer, some movies had the 3D effect to reel in more people to go to the movies. I don't know. I'm planning to see this movie eventually to see what's the buzz. The buzz is probably the horrific and bizarre death scenes that make this movie and the others quite entertaining.

I have been trying my best to stay away from talking about this, but as you may know or heard that Disney brought the Marvel characters. I was pretty shocked about this because it came out of nowhere for me. I do not have anything against Disney because they produced many of my favorite movies and television shows. I skimmed through an article that Disney plans to create some rides based on some of the Marvel characters. I believe Spiderman may be one in particular and also to start selling merchandise at Disney Land and Disney World.
I kind of think it would be cool to see Mickey and Spiderman team up in a cartoon short on the Disney Channel. LOL. That would definitely be priceless in my book, but the point is that Disney is a powerful company that continues to grow immensely and shows no signs of any setbacks. We will just have to wait and see on what happens with this new business venture for Disney.

Thursday, September 03, 2009

Tomorrow will make it a month since " The L List" has been created. I feel very blessed that I'm working towards my goal in entertainment journalism. Due to my internship with Sandy Kenyon, I got a glimpse of what to expect in reporting entertainment. I'm so thankful for Sandy's guidance and for him taking the time to guide me to my career. I'm currently in the process of getting my blog noticed in the film industry and scoring some interviews with celebrities on upcoming films, guest spots, etc. It's going to take some time, but I know I will get to the point of where I want to be.

I will try my best to keep this blog as professional and shy away from all gossip that is circulated in Hollywood. I also just want to thank the people who supported me through this and I hope to build more followers in the future.

Thank You
