Monday, August 31, 2009

Fall TV Preview

So as we say goodbye to summer and re-runs of our favorite shows, you say hello to them again after reeling in from those crazy cliffhangers and new shows to pack into our TV time. I believe if I counted it right, there are 37 new shows this year including Cable. As for new shows, I can't wait for The Vampire Diaries and NCIS: Los Angeles. For continuing shows, it's Gossip Girl, 90210 and NCIS for their crazy cliffhanger endings. For Cable, I'm a big Dexter fan so I can't wait to see him being a dad now. LOL.

One show that I hear on syndicated entertainment shows are talking about Melrose Place. There is a lot of buzz going around this show, so I'm guessing that it will much more hotter due to the whole new generation and technology. Familiar faces to me are Katie Cassidy ( When a Stranger Calls), Ashlee Simpson- Wentz, Jesscia Lucas ( Cloverfield, The Covenant) and Michael Rady ( Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants) are the new residents of the complex. Also veterans Daphne Zuniga, Laura Leighton, and Thomas Calabro are returning as their orignial characters.

So pick wisely out of the new bunch of shows to add to ever long list of favorites if you do have any. Pretty much of those may or may not be picked up after the season numbers kicks in.

Since I'm on the topic of vampires, I had a interesting weekend with my friend, Miriam. We went to our very first Twilight Convention. We meet some of the cast members and the new add members ( Chaske Spencer, Kiowa Gordon and Alex Meraz.) To add on the vampire themed weekend, last night was the second to last episode of season 2 of "True Blood".

Evan Rachel Wood guest starred as the Louisiana Queen, which I thought she did an amazing job of playing that role. I was amazed at how different she has become as an actress and in appearance. ( I mean that in a positive way.) I hope that she will continue that role in future seasons. So for those have no clue what's going-- you are missing by far the best season of the show. The small town of Bon Temps has been taken over by Maryanne, a maenad which is a mythical creature. She is basically has the whole town under her influence and is gunning for Sam ( Sam Trammell) to be her sacrifice. Sookie (Anna Paquin) and Bill (Stephen Moyer) on Eric's (Alexander Skarsgard) request went to Dallas to look for the missing Godric, which happens to Eric's maker.

I'm going to give only that brief overview of the season because I don't want to ruin it for the those who want to catch up on the season. All I can say is that every episode is juicier than the last. September 13th is the finale of the season, so if you have on demand you can definitely get up to date for the finale. Also, a little extra note. On September 10th, an official "True Blood" drink is coming out just in time for the finale. It's a red- orange soda so you can have a bottle as you watch the episode.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Fashion will soon hit our local movie theatres on September 11th when The September Issue comes out. For all you fashion forward people know that September is the month where fashion magazines, especially Vogue is gearing for their most important issue of the year. The movie is specifically about Vogue and their process to get the issue on the right track. I personally am excited because casually read that magazine. I'm an active reader for their Teen Vogue magazine and I took part in their Fashion University in 2007 and 2008.

I learned a lot about the fashion industry and the aspects that goes into running a business. I met some fashion designers like Phillip Lim and Kira Plastinina. I was very fortunate to have that opportunity to experience something like that. With the movie, it's going to give people a look at the magazine and editor Anna Wintour. I think that will be most interesting part besides the clothes. Wintour is known by some to be quite scary and difficlut. I say you can't judge a book by it's cover.

A couple of weeks ago, there was controversy over the fact that Rachelle Lefevre who played Victoria with Bryce Dallas Howard in the upcoming Eclipse movie. My friend Miriam told me about it and the uproar between fans on Twilight dedicated web sites. Many fans, which I found distrubing and childish said that they were going to boycott the movies.
I wasn't too surprised because things happen when it comes to shooting a movie. People get re casted, money is low, etc. Miriam actually responded on one of the sites we follow and spoke her mind. Boy, did she get a response from what her husband, Gus had told me. I personally did not want to read any of these posts because it would have upset badly due to the fact that some these people don't consider that things are not personal and its business.
To boycott a movie just because of that is unfair. They don't realize that could hurt future productions to the saga. The little girls, most of them don't understand. Miriam, which I adore explained that these things happen in Hollywood and that they don't understand that's a factor. One of the response she got was from a girl boasted that she was an actress and blah, blah, blah. That doesn't mean you have to make this idea of boycotting. People just need to be informed about the business side of the industry. It's just not all about the glamour that we see in magazines and television shows. I just feel the business aspect of this is not really quite known and it should be so people can be informed more about it.

Thursday, August 20, 2009


As of September 1st, it's pretty much the officially countdown for New Moon being released on November 20th. So, it's going to be a lot of vampire coverage and posts about that until then. There has been a lot of controversy about certain things that revolved around this movie and the future productions for the next two books. Changing of actors, scheduling, etc. you know the deal. On entertainment shows are showing more and more exclusive trailers for the movie. My sister doesn't really want to hype for herself in that due to her anticipation of all behind the scenes exclusive of Twilight.
We was talking about how the second book is portraying Bella and Jacob's friendship as more of an intimate type of thing, which is not really true. There is some type of feelings, but Bella is strongly in love with Edward. The book really focuses on Bella and Jacob's friendship as it begins to be stronger and Bella is sort of "getting over" Edward. Overall, I think it's going to be a decent movie that the fans will enjoy. I can't wait to see it. I might get to pre screen the movie before it comes out.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


As you know it's almost pretty much the end of the summer blockbuster season in the film world. All magazines are already gearing up their fall movie preview issues to get us prepared for that. The last movie of the summer is the very much anticipated Quentin Tarantino's Inglourious Basterds. ( Fans mostly.) I am huge fan of Tarantino so I am foaming at the mouth waiting for this movie to come out this weekend.

He has done some awesome movies that will forever be on my favorite list of films. ( Kill Bill Vol. 1, Reservoir Dogs.) This is going to be an interesting movie... Number 1, it's touching on a topic that is very sensitive to a lot of people-- the Holocaust and Hitler and number 2, it's going to be super crazy. I'm personally interested in Brad Pitt's performance in this movie.

From the commercials on TV that I'm seeing Brad looks pretty funny ( in a good way). I don't think I have seen him in a role like that so I can't wait. Hopefully I get to see this movie this weekend. I think Inglourious Basterds is going to be at the number one spot for Monday's numbers. We will see if it comes true. ( I know it will.)

Monday, August 17, 2009

So, today I got my copy of this week's Entertainment Weekly in the mail. I was pretty excited since Kristen Stewart andTaylor Lautner from New Moon was on the cover. I literally read the whole magazine just scoping out the movies that will be coming out this fall. This actually a really well organized issue. You also get a calendar with all the movie line ups to keep you up to date. I have to say there are some amazingly awesome movies and this is by far the best fall movie line up. I personally am interested in seeing New Moon,Shutter Island, Fame, The Informant, Extract. Love Happens, Whip It, I Love You , New York and Where The Wild Things Are. I'm literally in movie heaven. Hopefully there are some Oscar worthy nominees of this fall's movies. I will be giving my picks of who I would like to see nominated and who will be nominated. As you know, nominations will be released around the middle of the fall. I can not wait for that to roll around, but I will definitely keep you posted on that.

Friday, August 14, 2009

So, I'm actually in the Apple Store on 9th Avenue in the city checking out laptops. LOL.... But the point is that I just came from seeing (500) Days of Summer with my friend and co worker, Lester. I have been dying to see this movie for weeks now. My friend, Amanda told me it was really good. And she was right in need.

The movie was something that you don't really see in Hollywood these days. This kind of falls true to my previous post of not having original ideas for story lines. (500) Days of Summer portrays an true actual fact about love and relationships. Not all relationships end up as this fairy tale ending that is an constant ending in pretty much all romance movies. I was happy to enjoy a movie that did not follow that formula, even though I felt sad for Tom ( Joseph Gordon-Levitt).

There was a point that was truly made in this movie.. Tom mentioned that movies, pop songs, etc. sends a message that love is suppose to have this awesome ending, when in reality it doesn' t happen that way.

I'm not saying that all relationships don't have a happy ending, but the majority out there, it's tough and people get their hearts broken. I strongly recommend anyone to see this movie. I definitely related to everything that was going on in this movie. Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Zooey Deschanel was awesome in this movie. This is a movie that touched me very deeply.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

If you have been living under a rock, you would know that vampires are coming more into focus again due to the movie version release of Stephenie Meyer's best selling book, "Twilight" last year. Also with that success, Summit Entertainment green-lighted the productions of the three other books to the saga. " New Moon" will be released on November 20th of this year. I can't wait... Yes, I'm a " Twilight" fan. LOL. My sister, Brittany got me hooked on the series. ( I also wrote an article for my school's magazine about the vampire obsession.)

With that being said that sort of sparked everyone to get on the vampire train. HBO created " True Blood", which is adapted from Charlaine Harris' best selling " Sookie Stackhouse" novels. This show is so awesome and it's one of my favorites. It started last September and is currently now in its second season, which is getting really good.

The CW Network is actually bringing " The Vampire Diaries" another vampire book by L.J. Smith for it's new Fall line up this year. The book series is about a girl who falls for two vampire brothers. My sister once again had me read this book and it is actually really good. You can tell that vampires are a hot thing in my house. LOL.

Nina Dobrev will play the main character, Elina Gilbert. For the most of you who know the award winning Canada teen drama, " Degrassi: The Next Generation" would know that Dobrev played Mia Jones. Also in cast is Paul Wesley("Smallville") as sensitive heart rob vampire, Stefan and extremely cute Ian Somerhalder ("Lost") is Stefan's bad boy brother, Damon. I think this is going to be a good show for others, but for readers I'm not sure. A lot of things were changed like last names, etc. We will see on September 10th if this show will do good. It is a teen targeted book, so it could do well.

Saturday, August 08, 2009

This post is sort of following up to my previous post about the whole new action figure movies that are slowly coming on scene in Hollywood. So, Thursday night I was hanging out with my friend, Amanda and we was briefly talking about the new G.I. Joe movie. We both agreed on how no one in Hollywood has original ideas anymore.

Nowadays, a movie is either based on a book, comic, or a remake of another previous movie of another decade. Don't get me wrong. It's cool that some of my favorite books were made into movies, but I would like to at least see a movie that someone wrote themselves.

To me, it's the easy way out formula that is occurring more and more each year. I can't even tell you the last time I saw a movie that was an original idea that was not based on a best selling book or whatever latest thing that is out there. Wait... I take that back! I saw The Hangover. That I hope was original. LOL. It's a really quick fix formula that will probably continue for a really long time. I'm not bashing the film companies for that, but I know for myself and probably other people would like to see at least some change in the film industry.

Thursday, August 06, 2009

Besides best- seller books and comics being the go- to thing in the movie business. There is this new rise of action figure adapted movies. In 2007, "Transformers" was a mega box office hit across the world. I actually love that movie... Michael Bay did a great job with it... This year, he followed that up with " Transformers 2: The Revenge of the Fallen", which was also a hit this summer. I was a little disappointed, due to my anticipation of it... It was good, but it was just different from what I envisioned. (I heard that a third movie is going to be made.)

Anyways... so Hollywood is continuing with the action figure domination with " G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra". I have seen coming to theaters on August 7th... There is a lot of movies coming that day... I just realized that... LOL. So you know that the movie theaters are going to be packed with people going to G.I. Joe this weekend... I think it will do good, but for me I'm not sure if I'm going to see it. I mean from the commercials, it seem like they did a whole new twist with it and I'm just really not sure if I wanna go and rush to see it.

I haven't read any reviews about the movie so I can't give you anything what the critics are saying about it. I have some friends, who are not interested in seeing and agrees with they changed or twisted some stuff around. The point is that there are movies that are being based on popular action figures. What's next?... They should do a live action Bionicle movie. That would be pretty interesting....

Wednesday, August 05, 2009


So I went with my boss in June to pre screen this part documentary/ part mockumentary called Paper Heart, which comes out in selected theaters on Friday, August 7th. Today, Sandy interviewed, Charlyne Yi, who written and stars in the movie in Central Park. I don't want to give too much away, but Paper Heart is about Charlyne embarking on a journey across America making a documentary on to find out if love really exists.

Personally, I enjoyed the movie and I thought it was funny and it hits a topic that everyone is familiar and can't really escape from. In the movie, Charlyne literally interviews people on their definition of love. Some of the true stories are funny, heart- breaking and sweet. Michael Cera of funny films like Super Bad co stars in this movie is funny and awesome as always.

Charlyne Yi is very funny and has this cool unique sense of humor. She is literally is a genuine and down to earth actress, who you don't see too often in Hollywood. I didn't say much to her, but just watching her... You can just tell that she is fun to be around and she is as a real as anyone walking down the street. She answered my boss' questions so awesomely well. I honestly, can not wait to see what Charlyne will do next with her career. She is just so funny and awesome in the movie. I hope that all of you go see this movie, which I found out was a big hit at some really noteworthy film festivals, so you know that this movie is good.

So please if this movie a try... It made me think about my past relationship and how love surrounds us no matter if you want to acknowledge it or not.

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

My First Blog

Hey Bloggers,

This is my very first entertainment blog and I'm proud and excited to kick off my first creation ever. I'm currently a junior at Baruch College in New York City, majoring in journalism and minoring in film studies. This blog was created solely for people, like myself who enjoy entertainment. I will be focusing on the films, television, music, etc and really giving a deep analysis about it. I'm not into which celebrity is going to rehab or shacking up with. If you want that go to TMZ or something.

So, I'm currently for the summer interning at WABC-TV with Sandy Kenyon, their entertainment reporter here in Manhattan. I have have been to two press junkets for major blockbuster movies that I out this summer. I witnessed what a press junket was and what occurs at one, which is good to know on my end.

I have pre-screened " Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince", a week before it came out and met the three main stars of the movie. I, of course was ecstatic because I'm a huge Harry Potter fan. LOL. The other press junket I went to was for " Julie and Julia", which is coming out on August 7th. I had the honor to meet the cast of that movie.... I met Meryl Streep and I could not have been so excited about anything like that ever.

With that said, I'm experiencing the career that I'm working towards right now. I want to be a entertainment journalist and hopefully get into screenplay writing. I enjoy movies and I passionately love the feeling when I talk about movies. I could not have asked for a better internship and summer. This internship has opened up eyes of what I should expect and made me realize how strongly I want to continue to pursue this as my career.

For this blog, like I said I will be analyzing new films, classic films, music.... you name it. I will be giving my honest opinions on movies and suggesting things that I like that hopefully you can check out if you have not done so. I am open for suggestions and comments on anything that you feel is left out on my blog and the movie world. So feel free to do so....

